Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Explanation of #30


Michelle's comment has brought to the forefront a need to explain further number 30 in the previous post.

This statement, as it is, has never really settled well with me whenever I say it. For one thing, it is too blanket for my usual tastes. Two, it's not really what I mean.

So, here it goes; I'll break it down.

"90% of the world is stupid"- Stupid is possibly the wrong word here. I think inept fits better. Also, this is a situation specific claim. Therefore, in any given situation, 90% of people are inept at it. Take, for instance, explaining what you actually mean. I would fall in that 90%.

Now, "the problems arise from the 86% of them that don't know it." I believe this still to be true when one understands the first part of the statement as explained above. In this case, a problem arose from me not knowing how inept I was at explaining what I meant. Now, in this situation, I fall into the 4% of the 90% who can head off any problems by understanding that they are probably going to be in the wrong.

Does that help?